November 14, 2015
It happened to be my birthday on the 11th. So I would like to say thanks to everyone that already knew and said "Happy Birthday"! I had a great day and night out so it was definitely a success. I finally got around to uploading the rest of the Inktober drawings, so you will be able to find those on the "Inktober" page. I'm working on a few new ideas and I'm really trying to focus on them so I follow through and finish them. So if you want to send me motivational emails to let me know I should get off my ass and work on those puppies, then that would be fantastic.
Looks like the sickness is going around in my town and maybe yours too. Looks like it is the season for that. Try and stay healthy everyone. Wash them hands and wipe them noses!
I've decided to film a little video at the end of November. So mid December I'll be releasing that to the public. Stay tuned for that beauty because it'll crack you up. Lots of cool things in the works! Thanks to everyone that supports whatever it is I'm up to, you people kick ass!