June 22, 2015
I was talking to one of my best mates and he was telling me that brains tend to gravitate toward a certain emotion depending upon their most common emotion. So if someone has been sad for a long time, eventually it becomes comforting being in that mood and therefore will be more difficult to change the way the feel. It's an interesting thought because so many times I will not want my mood to change when it should. Perhaps I just feel off for that day or particularly down but I will catch myself avoiding certain situations and people because I know it'll change my mood. It's easy to get caught in the warmth of familiarity even if it's not necessarily a good place to stay.
Situations where you are forced out of mourning can be a wonderful thing. In light of the overwhelming terrible tragedies happening in my country, I feel like this is the perfect reason "to have a wedding" so to speak. To focus on something that brings joy. Small accomplishments are things to be celebrated. Don't be afraid to light more candles in the darkness that might be your thoughts as of late. I've seen my city face what has happened and I've seen them all come together with love and compassion and I'm extremely happy with the turn out. I will never wish for the reasoning though, it was a disgusting act and it makes me sick to my stomach; and I do not want to express this post in a way of getting people to move on from this horror. (These people need and will be remembered and I hope that scumbag's name is forever forgotten) But a little sunshine prevents a longer lasting sadness. So don't be afraid to smile and have fun through your mourning process. Please.