June 8, 2015
Yesterday I had the opportunity and the pleasure to do something that I don't do very often. I sat around my house, more like lied around my house, and didn't do anything all day. If it constituted focus and was something remotely serious, I ignored it. I still make time day-to-day to relax and spend time socially, but I spend my weeks at full throttle, working on many projects and having a full-time job. This week was a good one but a busy one, so on Sunday I shut it down. Pushed that "off" button so fast I didn't even remember doing it.
It's important to view these days as productive regardless if you produce anything out of them. You'll work your brain so hard that your creativity and productivity will suffer as you go. Mentally, you'll need time to stop for a bit and grab that second wind. Obviously, choose a time frame that works best for you, it doesn't need to be a full day, it could be half a day, a few hours, a whole friggin weekend if you need it. Just assess your mind and see what you need to unwind. Go into the day with absolutely no plans and just coast through the day doing anything you want, trust me on this. Whichever you test out, just have fun with it, that's the key!
*I get all the quotes from brainyquote.com*