I got a chance to make coffee at home this morning and so I decided to do some writing along with that gift. I wandered downstairs this morning with a yawn on my lips and pop in my bones. Made it to the kitchen just in time for the Yawn-Stretch Combo to happen. Spotted a bag of Yunan coffee, which happens to be from China, and did a little jig to the grinder. Hips swaying to an imaginative song in my head. Eventually that imaginary song turned into Everything by Atmosphere. Song's jammin. Water's heating. Coffee's grinding. Head's bobbing. Feet tapping. Grinding finished. Water's done. Steam's rising. Coffee's dripping. Aromas' dancing. And the job is done. First sip is like a gift from the universe; warmth, love, energy, flavor, & happiness shared through a liquid. We don't deserve such things as beautiful as specialty coffee. Centuries of perfected agriculture on perfected locations to a single surface area of a coffee farm, added to the years of perfected roasting machines and software and roasting styles come together in magical harmony inside a mug.
Silence rings out after the coffee is finished. It's a comforting song that sits on everything like a weighted blanket. It presents itself to my mind like a blank white board where I toss my thoughts and arrange them to spend a closer look. It, too, is a great gift. Quiet and slow mornings are oases in an otherwise hectic morning, traditionally. Both offer different things, the quiet & slow provides patience but can easily get boring; the hectic mornings offer fast pace and a sense of work purpose. There are no moments to sit back and ponder thoughts. There is only "take care of this" and "on to the next." The key is the balance.
Oh snap! My toast is done! See ya.