January 28, 2016
The month of January is almost over; if you turn around quick enough you may catch a lingering glimpse of these past weeks. It's been a productive time thus far. I have so many ideas for this year that there's no time to waste on lollygagging about town. A hermit I am becoming for the betterment of my future; I won't feel bad this year for not spending time with people. (The introvert in me is dancing with joy) There are days I look in the mirror and I notice grey hairs and lines on my face and while my physical aging doesn't concern me, the fact that I am not where I want to be yet does. I didn't expect to have all my shit together by this age and to be frank, I didn't really have any expectations of life this far. It seemed too distant to plan out. I wasn't that kid with a hardcore plan growing up so I never bothered worrying about it. I look back at it and shrug because all my choices led me to this exact spot. This gray 1970's swivel chair in the corner of this entirely too expensive 1927 house that is falling apart around my ankles. It's been an interesting ride here, but that's exactly what it was, a ride. There were times the ride hit a hole in the road and threw everything in the air with chaotic energy. I gained some scars and stories and advice from this ride but I didn't drive at all. It's time to get behind the wheel and go where I want to go and not sit back and ride along.
It's not too late or too early to start driving your own life, fam. Just get up & go.